Sunday, 18 August 2013

Peplum & Me

Little did I know, certain stages in life have its own turn. Some of these turns are mysterious and we can't go back. It has its own functional way of dealing with it and I have been coy about it. The emotions gambling has been quite weight in my heart, it is as heavy as a big large huge stone kept on my chest. It's the time of commotions, the pathway look so greasy that my mind slipped and often found myself "lost". It's not at all easy passing this stage, ever since I was a child I heard about the freedom and instinctive factor of doing what you like to do. Seems like a story from a story book meant for story time, at the moment growing up ain't easy for me. I sort of feel, there are more things to be done with less in hand (opportunity). When I say opportunity - it's about every aspect of life. Relation at the moment is playing a wild role with me, its like the indicator and keeps beeping within my mind, I am not sure whether its an alarm or just my restless mind. 
Excuse me if I am being too deep with my unending emotions rival, on a better note let's get into the outfit. I got this outfit from mom, she went for street shopping in Imphal, Manipur. I saw and I just knew that it's for me, though I was not too fond of Peplum the entire fashion trend season. However, this top changed my view. 

With this pictures, I hope everyone will have good time. Thanks so much all ......


Rupa said...

pretty peplum top..

Jenny’s Bicycle-Indian Fashion Blog!!

Shelly said...

Hey you pretty pretty girl!! Wassup?! That peplum top is snaz!!

DashOfClassic said...

tysm =) Rupa xxxx

DashOfClassic said...

Shelly sup .... been so amazing meeting you. And tysm....yes it is a vogue =) peplum